Our Stock Control System
Our stock control system is a fully comprehensive stock system offering a plethora of features including costing methods, price breaks, multiple barcodes, multiple locations, usage information, extensive reporting, remote data collection via Picco handheld and more.

The stock maintenance screen allows you to read and edit all of the attributes associated with your product - including the price, the quantity on hand, cost, VAT, bins, movements and more.

The stock movements screen gives you access to a full history of a stocks movements (including receipts, issues, returns etc...) as well as allowing you to create new movements.

The product groups stock screen allows you to create groups which can then be associated with individual items, making them easier to find.

The bin maintenance screen allows you to add / edit any stock bins that you may have.

The stock sequencing screen allows you to change the sequence of products in a group.

Our stock program also supports a wide variety of pricing methods, pictured is the account pricing screen - allowing you to set prices for certain stock items dependent on the account they are being sold to.

The stock pricing window allows you to easily set the default pricing schemes for your stock items.

The catalogue pricing screen also allows you to set individual prices for each stock item dependent on a catalogue.

The stock reports window gives you access to a wide range of reports associated with the stock, from movements to usage.